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TinTinPiano::五堅情 - 你是我這輩子最想愛的呀(鋼琴獨奏譜附歌詞,和弦 原調彈奏版-內含Eb及C大調兩種版本)

五堅情 - 你是我這輩子最想愛的呀(鋼琴獨奏譜附歌詞,和弦 原調彈奏版-內含Eb及C大調兩種版本)

pichia Uploaded at 2023-09-06
五堅情 演唱的歌曲"你是我這輩子最想愛的呀",改編成鋼琴獨奏版,本琴譜難易度上屬中等,此曲是Eb大調.抒情曲,
★This sheet music composer pichia has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to request him to make sheet music for you
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